Sunday, June 29, 2008


wow if you still read this blog; congrats you are either my friend, dedicated, or just really creepy
i left my camera battery and charger at school one day, and guess what, some cunt probably found it and decided to not turn it in to the main office, so if you are that cunt i hope you die a slow bloody death

but i would like you to get a rash or some kind of non-life threatening wound of some sort
so until i find a replacement battery or something wait here
and shit i'm kinda mad because this summer has been bomb too
oh yeah and my phone status, i'll try to get one soon, but by the time someone reads this i might have a new one

laters, i'm gonna google my camera battery now


Tacos Friend said...

Yeahh boiii, i your...friennnd

Zachary Diaz said...

Yeah, no, I'm just that creepy.