Went to Frank's house and he wasn't there, but Scooby was.
He lost a lot of weight
*note, when you see stuff highlighted in purple that means its a link, dumbasses
Hey the drumset somehow got there
Just read it
Wellllllllllllll after dorking around I decided to either play videogames or watch porno on that fools computer, I chose the less comedic/obvious one
That fool hooked it up with some juice
Man click on this shit to enlarge the photo, you know that fool got capped
Have you people been to Trader Joes? I hate that place. First off i don't even like going grocery shopping. Grocery shopping with your parents or a lame ass adult is the worst, they take forever and they always check the prices and it seems like they always ask the people that work there the most unnecessary questions.
The thing I hate mooooooooost is when I'm standing in line with someone else and we're next up to ring up our goods, and then at the last moment that person decides to get another item, exchange one, etc. which leaves me in line by myself. And if I'm really really lucky then the person rings up my crap super fast which leaves that awkward "Well are you gonna pay?" kind of thing. I hate that. don't ever leave me in line like that, unless you PAY UP
I also don't like when you go to the magazine section and you see a bombass article and you're reading it and getting all into it, and then you have to go. And before you say something like "Why don't you just pay for it?" well because a.) i'm usually broke so shutup, b.) shutup, and c.) The worst scenario is when you take the mag home and then you finish the article and the rest of the magazine just sucks and then you spent like 5 bucks on something you don't even wanna read while taking a dougie. Lame
Oh yeah and back to Trader Joes if you're still reading this, Trader Joes has waaaaay too many white people in that mofo, and then the one i went to the aisles were super small so its just all kinds of uncomfortableness in there, and not only are they white, but they're old as fuck
And the people that work there are the craziest looking, I swear if you need a job go to Trader Joes, they have all kinds of nutjobs in there, they will hire anybody, I seriously thought I was gonna get raped or walk out with a STD
BUT, go get them vegan oatmeal chocolate chip cookies that they sell, those are goods
and if you don't subscribe to Jimmy Cao's youtube thingy, well get on it
I'm gonna start a quote of the day section now so if you have anything funny to say, make sure I'm around and I hear it
"Drop." - Ms. Gil
1 comment:
i seriously busted twice after that nollie flip. one for each angle
(no homo)
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